The first mention of schooling in the village of Husbands Bosworth is found in the Church Survey Book of 1619, which states: "...a Chapel on the North side of the Church [All Saints], where a School is kept...".


At this time any education was haphazard, and often depended on the curate, who would supplement his meagre stipend by teaching reading and writing. In 1707 the choir vestry was converted and used as a Church School. The open archways into the Church were blocked off and the only entrance was from outside. This arrangement lasted until at least 1820. [The old doorway, since blocked up, can still be seen on the south side of the church.]

The village school

By 1837, general education in Husbands Bosworth was vested in Mr. Edward Shawson, paid from the proceeds of an endowment, who taught 12 boys in a room in his house. School accounts held in the Leicestershire Records Office for the year 1841 show education by this time much more organised, and a Mr. Ferraby as being schoolmaster. The National Society's Church School Enquiry of 1846/7 shows 39 boys and 42 girls in education in Husbands Bosworth, paid for from the endowment, a weekly 'children's pence', and subscriptions. The report also pointed out the inadequacy of the school for the numbers attending.

In 1853 there appears to have been a great shake-up in the education field in the village. The premises from which the school had been run, belonging to a Mr. Stott, was quit at Christmas and the whole was moved to the 'Butchers Arms' public house, in Church Street! [Now 2, Church St.] There must have been a clash of personalities at this time between Mr. Ferraby and the new curate, Rev. G W Phipps, and the former quit his office, and a Miss Locke was appointed Mistress.


In 1857 Rev. Phipps proposed a new schoolroom, on a site to be purchased adjacent to Welford Road. The building was to be 43 ft. x 18 ft., to accommodate 150 children! A six-roomed house for the schoolmaster was included in the proposals, and a playground front and rear. The total cost was £832. The School Account & Report of 1858 stated that the National School: '... was opened with a balance in hand after all expenses paid on February 3rd 1858.' A Mr. John Houghton was duly appointed Schoolmaster on a salary of £57-10s. per annum.

By 1858 the roll had risen to 112 Sunday and Day pupils. For the first two years Mr. Houghton was the only teacher at the school. However, a female assistant was taken on for the infants, and an extra room was added as an Infants School to accommodate 72 children, which was completed in 1860 at a cost of £374-8-4d. In 1870 the Elementary Education Act was introduced nationally. This Act was the first concerted effort by central government to provide education for all children. In Husbands Bosworth the managers of the school accepted the provisions of the Act lightly. The Parish Charities Board Report of 1871 stated: 'Our School, being found by the new Education Act, sufficient and efficient, has simply adopted the Conscience Clause...'


In 1878 the rector reported that he had received a complaint from the rector of neighbouring North Kilworth that his school: '... suffers both in numbers and discipline from parents sending their children to Bosworth School.' The Managers replied tartly that parents had the right to get the best education for their children , and North Kilworth should find a better Master!

In July 1886, John Houghton died suddenly, after being Master of the school for 29 years, and was buried in the Welford Road Cemetery. The Parish Magazine noted: 'Not only was his coffin covered by numerous wreaths, but the grave was filled with flowers strewn by little children, and watered by their tears...'

[This summary is taken from A Short History of Education of Children in Husbands Bosworth compiled and edited by Marion Allen from previous work by Janice Staples (formerly Prowse), for the Husbands Bosworth Historical Society. Feb. 1996]


Mr. John Houghton 1858-1886
Mr. A E Logan 1886-1888
Mr. Staton 1888-1890
Mr. Herbert Tustin 1890-1897
Mr. Wellington 1897-1902
Mr. C Dickinson 1903-1907
Mr. A Wilson 1907-1922
Mr. Drewitt 1922-1937
Miss Biddles 1937-1942
Miss A Downes 1942-1955
Mr. Philip Sherwood 1955-1961
Mr. Len Jones 1962-1968
Mr. Mike Knight 1969-1976
Mrs. Joan Needham 1976-1986
Mrs. Penny Mattock 1986-2001
Mr. Glyn Millinship 2001-2007
Mrs. Yvonne Durrant (Acting Head) 2007
Mrs. Carol McDermott 2007-8
Mrs. Yvonne Durrant (Acting Head) 2009
Mr. Matthew Bown 2009 - 2012
Ms. Louisa Morris 2013 - 2016
Mr. Alan Eathorne 2016 - onwards



By Post:

Husbands Bosworth C of E Primary School,
Welford Road,
Husbands Bosworth,
Leicestershire LE17 6JU

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TAKEOVER DAY November 2009
From Angel Dewing-Hall (Acting Head for the day)

I am writing to the Bugle because it is ‘Takeover Day’, which means a child gets to do an adult’s job (only Year 6s were allowed to though!) and Mr. Bown, our head teacher wanted us to do it this year. If you wanted the chance to be the head teacher for the day you had to write a speech and read it to Mr. Bown, our class teacher, Miss Wilks, teaching assistant Mrs. Russ and the rest of the class. They decided who they thought should do it and they picked me to be the Headteacher. So, today I am doing Mr Bown’s jobs!

This term we have played a football match against Kibworth primary school, our first match and then we played a tournament at Lutterworth Soccer Centre and we won 1 match, drew 1 match and lost 2 matches. We are also getting a choir together for our village Christmas Festival. So, feel more than welcome to come and listen and see the Christmas tree competition.
Also in December we are going to the NEC arena in Birmingham to take part in the young voices concert which will be a lot of fun.
Finally I would just like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!!!!!!





When all hope was fading,from out of the ether the world's famous Bosworth Bugle Christmas Quiz is now available to download.

Click here for unfettered fun....!

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